Privacy Policy & Terms of Service


What is "data"? ---> Data is a fact represented by a certain value (number, letter, symbol).
What is "information"? ---> Information is a set of data that makes up a meaningful whole. (I bought 5 pizzas.)
What is "remote IP"? ---> Remote IP address usually refers to the IP address of a device outside the local network.

Privacy Policy & Terms of Service

This website uses Google reCAPTCHA and Cookies. TechBlog&News also collects your email and name information only if you provide it in the contact form at the bottom of the home/main page. If you send a message through the contact form, you accept the fact that the receiver will be able to view your provided name, email address, and your remote IP address, and you also accept the fact that if the message you sent through the contact form contains any offensive words, conversation, data and/or information, your remote IP address will be blocked with no warning! For now, that is all TechBlog&News collects from you. The entire TechBlog&News website including this page will be updated in the future when needed.

Content Creator Terms - CCT

In adherence to our Content Creator Terms (CCT), we require that all content creators utilizing our platform have their mobile phones accessible at all times, except in cases of emergency situations, such as accidents, medical emergencies, or any other critical incident where immediate attention is required. Additionally, we understand that there may be instances when content creators need to prioritize important commitments like tests or exams, during which they may need to temporarily set aside their phones. In such cases, we encourage open communication and flexibility. If a situation arises where these terms may be contradicted, both parties are encouraged to seek a compromise. For instance, content creators might agree to keep their phones nearby but not actively in use during the specified period. Furthermore, as per our CCT, content creators are generally permitted to utilize the TechBlog&News and its associated third-party software at their discretion for content creation. However, exceptions may apply in cases of emergencies or when another party presents a valid contradiction. In these scenarios, a compromise can be reached to ensure the smooth functioning of our platform while respecting individual needs and circumstances.